Friday, October 31, 2008

Challenges From FH2S

Here are a few layouts I completed for FH2S monthly challenges.

This first one was a 'stash challenge'. We were to use ribbon in 3 different ways. I covered a piece of card stock with ribbon, attempted a ribbon flower, and tied a piece of ribbon around the letter and used a safety pin through it.

This is Erika enjoying Destin Beach.

This was a journaling challenge. Our challenge was to journal about what inspires us. Music has always been an outlet for me, so I choose one of my favorite christian songs and created this layout. The title of the song is "Whatever You're Doing" by Sanctus Real.

Here is Miss Erin all dressed for a school football game.
She dressed in black and red....and full of school Spirit

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Finally got over here to your blog and love the way you have it set up and btw that ribbon layout is fantastic.........